Wednesday, July 22, 2020

How to Make Raw Energy Bars in a Vitamix [Vegan, Gluten-free]

Looking for a healthier snack? These nutrient-dense bars are sweet but free of processed sugar. They’re also packed with plant-based protein, healthy fats (Omega 3 & 6), fiber, and antioxidants. Have a few to get an energy boost without a crash.*

DIY Raw Vegan Energy Balls or Bars Recipe
Tip of the hat to the talented Tommy Nicholas of Raw Blend on YouTube. I basically followed his recipe. Watch his video here. This recipe makes about two dozen bite-sized bars or balls.

This recipes calls for using a Vitamix high speed blender. It's probably okay to use a good food processor if you don't have a Vitamix. Don't try this with a cheap blender otherwise you will burn out its motor.

Print Recipe

Raw Energy Bars in a Vitamix

Course: Desserts
Cuisine: Vegetarian
Prep Time: 20 min
Total Time: 20 min
Serves: 24


  • 1 cup your favorite nuts (I used cashews.)
  • 1 cup your favorite dried fruit (I used raisins which actually aren't my favorite but they are what I had in the house and were totally yummy in thi
  • 14 cup flax seed meal
  • 14 cup chia seeds
  • 2 tablespoon raw cacao
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds
  • 1 teaspoon powdered greens
  • 12 teaspoon sea salt
  • 14 cup unsweetened shredded coconut for garnish


  1. Put all the ingredients into your Vitamix high speed blender. 
  2. Pulse (turn on and off) on 5 speed (or low) 5 or 6 times.
  3. Turn up to high (gradually, if your machine has speeds).
  4. Use tamper to press ingredients together each time you hear high pitched sound. Do this about 5 times. This will create one big, warm energy ball.
  5. Turn blender pitcher over onto a sheet of wax paper. Bang, twist blades (from bottom/outside of pitcher), and/or use a silicone spatula to remove contents.
  6. Divide into bite size balls. Alternatively, roll out into one big bar and use spatula edge to divide into desired size pieces.
  7. Roll balls in coconut or sprinkle bars with coconut.
  8. Store in a baggie or wrapped in wax paper. These stay fresh for a few days. Unrefrigerated is okay.
  9. Don't forget to clean your blender! (Check out my post on the easiest way to do it.)

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*Dried fruit contains a lot of concentrated sugar. These treats are healthy, but still a "sometimes food." Don't go binging on these, please.
